Ep.88: How To Be EQUIPPED to Advance the Christian Faith with Steven Garofalo
Face to Face Mentoring Podcast Ep. 88 Show Notes
- Steven shares his story and the purpose behind his book EQUIPPED
- Why is sharing our faith so important?
- What the book EQUIPPED will provide for you to share your faith with confidence
- Steven shares his mentoring story
- What is Reason For Truth.org
- EQUIPPED chapters include:
1) Everyone has a worldview: What’s yours
2) Does God Exist?
3) Coexist: Do all religious roads lead to heaven?
4) Did Jesus Really Rise from the dead?
5) Why does God allow Bad Things to happen to good people?
6) How do I explain evil, pain, and suffering to others?
7) Is Morality relative?
8) How do I know that I am going to heaven?
9) How do I use Apologetics to defend the Christian faith?
10) How can I use Apologetics in conversational evangelism?
- How can this book help me share my faith with the lost?
- One important thing for Parents of Adult Children to remember when you share your faith.
- Visit ReasonForTruth.org for resources and the academy
- Steven prays over you!
Connect with Steven Garofalo on Social media and website at ReasonForTruth.org
Purchase EQUIPPED on Amazon today.
Purchase today: How To Become The Mentor Millennials Need and Want Online Course

Follow Steven Garofalo at the following sites:
Website: Reason For Truth
YouTube: Reason For Truth and Steven Garofalo
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