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Are you speaking words of life or death? Do you build up or blow up? Learn how to change your life as you use your uplifting words and speak life to yourself and others. Start by lining up your words with the Word of God.

Watch the video below and learn how to stop your negative words and start speaking life into your life and the lives of those around you.


 “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11


What Does the Bible Say About Uplifting Words?

Saying encouraging words sounds so simple to do but why do so many of us struggle with our words? The Bible has many verses to encourage us to use our words wisely and to build each other up. Let’s begin today by raising the standard and speaking life into our hearts and minds and to those around us.

Here are my Top 5 Verses about Using Your Encouraging Words:

Romans 15:4  (ESV) “For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction so        that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.”

Hebrews 3:13 (ESV) “But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.”

Ephesians 4:29 (ESV) “Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful  for building up the one in need and bringing grace to those who listen.”

Proverbs 16:24  (ESV)”Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the  bones.”

Romans 14:19  (ESV)”So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.”


Are you speaking words of life or death? Learn how to change your life as you use your uplifting words and speak life to yourself and others.

Live Your Life Using Your Uplifting Words

On June 18, 1956, a freak accident happened on a lake in New York. A speeding motorboat bounced on a wave and shot into the water two of its passengers, a 50-year old man, and a little girl. To keep her from drowning, the man held her head above water while the boat circled back. They rescued the girl. But the man sank and drowned.

That’s how Dawson Trotman died, the founder of the Navigators, an international discipleship ministry. According to a quote in Time Magazine, “He lived to save others. His death was just the way he would have planned it.” His obituary reads like this: “Dawson Trotman, always lifting someone up.”

What a wonderful description of someone’s lifestyle. How about you? Are you Lifting others up with your words?

Here’s the good news.

Today is a new day full of God’s grace and mercy. You can have a restart and intentionally change your words. Above all, instead of tearing down, you can build up. Grab this PDF of 60 encouraging words and statements and begin your new journey with uplifting words.


Stop The Negative and Start Using Positive Words

Our uplifting words start at home and with our co-workers and friends. As a result, we can go out into the world and change lives one person at a time. Most importantly, you can make a difference for the Lord. Jesus was our encourager and we must pass it on to the next generation.

Let’s begin today and every day by telling ourselves to STOP and START:

STOP speaking negative words over ourselves and others.

START lining up our words with the Word of God.

Thought for the day: Your words today will determine your tomorrow. Use your uplifting words wisely and build others up.

Related Post: Building Up One Another

Thought for the day: Your words today will determine your tomorrow. Use your uplifting words wisely and build others up. #JaymeLeeHull Share on X

Will you take the action step by telling yourself the positive and building up words? I’d love to hear what you are learning and applying to your life. You can trust God at His word. God will never fail on His promises or disappoint you.


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How To Overcome Your Negative Thinking With Truth

Breakthrough the Obstacles To Your Spiritual Growth

Why Spiritual Direction Is Important For Your Life 

I’d love to hear your God story. Leave an encouraging comment below to build each other up.


To God be the Glory,


Your thoughts and comments matter. Leave your prayer request. Let’s get connected. ​​​

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Jayme Hull

Author Jayme Hull

Jayme a Spiritual Direction Coach. Mentor, Author, and Podcast Host is passionate about moving Christian Women forward to God's direction for their life through Scripture and prayer. Join the Spiritual Direction Coaching Today Facebook private page or connect with her on Instagram.

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