Have you ever struggled with hidden discontentment? Just because you are smack dab in the middle of a…
Where is your comfort zone? Following God’s direction for your life will require you to step outside of where you are comfortable. A Spiritual Direction Coach can help push your comfort zones.
Have you ever struggled with hidden discontentment? Just because you are smack dab in the middle of a…
Are you feeling dull, apathetic and empty? Are you facing obstacles at work, disappointments with life, worry about current problems or constant fatigue and weariness? What do you do when you feel dull?
God has something to say to us everyday. He will speak to us through scriptures, prayer, people and circumstances. But God is not a consultant.
Looking ahead, the New Year is full of promise and potential but the choice is up to us. Are we willing to change our old ways, old habits, fears and worries and trust God at His Word as we walk worthy of our calling?
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