My intentions are always good—I promise I have solid plans for the day. The “dream” is to start early before my household…spend time with the Lord, get showered, and dressed…
Failures are a normal part of the Christain Walk. What matters most is how you respond when you fail. God’s power at work in us gives the strength to get right back up and keep going.
My intentions are always good—I promise I have solid plans for the day. The “dream” is to start early before my household…spend time with the Lord, get showered, and dressed…
Do you feel like you are living in a cave right now? If you could escape to a cave like David, would you change the name from Adullam to Failure or maybe Hopeless? No matter how old you are or what season of life you are in currently, sooner or later everyone spends a little time in the cave. but the cave is where God resurrects dead things.
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