Let’s start the New Year with a fresh new word from God. Could you use some encouragement? God is the only One who can give us eternal encouragement.
Let’s start the New Year with a fresh new word from God. Could you use some encouragement? God is the only One who can give us eternal encouragement.
The Ultimate gift was given to the world on the first Christmas night, thousands of years ago in Bethlehem. And the Gift goes on!
How do you handle the holidays without the ones you love? How do we handle grief during any joyous occasion? Here are a few things I’m learning as I face another holiday with an empty chair or two because the special people I’ve loved are absent.
Is Jesus Christ the Lord over your talents, finances, emotions, time, thoughts and all things?
This Christmas will you confess Jesus Christ as your Lord?
What do you like the most about decorating for Christmas? If you could pick your favorite decoration which one would it be? Is Jesus first on the guest list and in your heart this year?
Have you ever experienced a Divine Appointment from God that seemed impossible? Do you ever pray for a godly friend or mentor to walk beside you and do life together? As you read the Christmas story in Luke 1 you will see how God provided for Mary and how He can provide for you.
What is your favorite family tradition for the Christmas season? We have a few we like to do every year when everyone is home. Sometimes we make gingerbread houses or have a family movie night just to enjoy the time together making memories. How about you? Here is our review of the new Disney movie Frozen.
Are you decorating for Christmas? Do you have a special place in your home for the Nativity Scene? You can make this Christmas season different from every year in the past. The choice is yours.
Today we stop to say THANK YOU to the American Veterans’ and their families who were willing to serve our country. Are you amazed how these soldiers choose to face their fears and fight the enemy for us? Their courage is so inspiring to me. How about you?
Do you dread the holiday seasons? Are you already tired just thinking about Thanksgiving just weeks away? Why do we allow the world to press in on our emotions, energy and finances every Thanksgiving and Christmas? How can we beat the craziness the world offers and hold on to the peace Jesus Christ gives?I found the answer to this question.
Do you need your heart healed today? Do you know someone who needs his or her heart encouraged?How amazing to know we serve a loving and compassionate God who calls us by name and has the power to heal.
Are you one of the eleven disciples who stayed in the boat afraid and not willing to take a risk or are you like Peter ready to step out and trust Jesus with your life? Go ahead! Step out of the boat!
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