Do you struggle to stay on the right path? Do you find it easy to be distracted by the noise in the world today. The simplest things can pull you right off the path. How do we stop struggling and start walking forward on the right path?
We all go through seasons of pain. Loss and hurt are normal parts of life and grief is the natural way to process loss. To keep moving forward in God’s direction for your life find a Spiritual Direction Coach.
Do you struggle to stay on the right path? Do you find it easy to be distracted by the noise in the world today. The simplest things can pull you right off the path. How do we stop struggling and start walking forward on the right path?
Fall, my favorite time of the year! Can anyone else relate? Pumpkin spice everything, cooler temperatures, and of course a beautiful annual change in God’s creation. I love how God…
In our heart of hearts, we all want someone to call us by name, someone who wants to get to know us personally. The cry of every heart is to matter, to be significant, and to be known by someone who cares about us.
Looking ahead, the New Year is full of promise and potential but the choice is up to us. Are we willing to change our old ways, old habits, fears and worries and trust God at His Word as we walk worthy of our calling?
Doors come in all shapes, colors and sizes. What door are you facing this Christmas? Do you find yourself asking God to answer your prayers and open the door? No matter what door you are facing this Christmas remember you are not alone.
Is it acceptable to be quiet for just one moment? The world says we need to keep ourselves busy. Unfortunately, so many of us fall into the “busy” trap during the Christmas season. Can you relate?
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